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Saturday, 11 August 2007
The Dark Knight Spoilers Wizard World Chicago - Exclusive!
There has been spoilers in circulation in regards to The Dark Knight, and Broken Union has taken it up to contact our guy who claims he is is working close to the film. Take the following as it is...
The recent spoilers are bullshit and are not true. How do i know this? Because i was present when we filmed the scene where the Joker confronts Rachel Dawes and as i remember the name Bruce Wayne was not spoken, although i could be wrong. However as i heard it, the Joker was mostly was telling her he would wish to cut her a new smile, this was done take after take and i do not recall her saying anything about Bruce Wayne. And most importantly i have to say without giving any more away that there is NO FAKE BATMAN and that Harvey Dent's facial disturbance is not caused by the Joker but some mob boss he has brought to trial. The only truth in the several spoilers is that the Bat-Pod does not seperate from the Tumbler but is one of Wayne Tech's properties.
On other news we are going to be there at Wizard World Chicago, well not me but a friend of mine and he has let me know security is tight as a rats ass down there but he will try his best to get us some juicy information we can chew on..or atleast watch! *wink* *wink*